Iceland Landscapes

Destination wedding at a cozy lodge in Iceland with Icelandic Horses | Iceland Adventure Elopement Photographer 

Destination wedding at a cozy lodge in Iceland with Icelandic Horses | Iceland Adventure Elopement Photographer 

Shaina and Mike’s Iceland Destination Wedding | Icelandic Horse Elopement Photography | Iceland Adventure Elopement Photographer

Iceland Landscape Photographic Essay | Iceland Adventure Wedding + Elopement Photographer

Iceland Landscape Photographic Essay | Iceland Adventure Wedding + Elopement Photographer

These photos all come from my most recent trip back in May, when I was a part of Robert J. Hills traveling adventure wedding + elopement photography workshop. 

Iceland. When people ask me my favorite place I've been, I usually say Iceland. Obviously that's a super hard question because I truly love everywhere I've been, and they're all great in their own ways, but Iceland stands out, especially for it's landscape. Waterfalls, volcanos, INSANE clouds (which are my favorite), geysers, mountains, moss, northern lights, cozy cabins, sheep, black sand beaches and a million other crazy geological crazy things.