Acadia National Park Bucket List | Acadia National Park Adventurous Wedding Photographer

So let's talk about Acadia National Park in Maine. It is my favorite national park on the east coast, absolutely beautiful and definitely worth a visit. With seven days, we had plenty of time to get around and explore everything this national park had to offer. Whether you're seeking seven days of hiking, endless adventurous activity or prefer to eat your way through a visit, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Maine, making it a worthwhile trip for all!

Before journeying up there (a 12 hour drive from PA), we had some time to research how and where to stay, what to do, and get a general bearing of all the trails they had to offer (a lot). We chose to camp because yay camping! and I would recommend this as a great place to camp. Or campground, Bass Harbor Campground, was walking distance from one of our favorite spots - Bass Harbor Lighthouse. As I mentioned, we camped in August, so the weather was absolutely perfect, being warm enough during the day to get out in a t-shirt and shorts, but chilly enough at night to have a campfire and snuggle up.

Here is the bucket list that we came up with before Maine (and added to during Maine). Luckily, we were able to complete them all!



1. See a whale in the ocean

Humpback whales are all over the coast here and there are tons of tours that will take you out to see them. We saw 8 whales on our ship and it was incredible to see them right next to our boat!

2. Pick wild blueberries

Keep an eye out for wild blueberry and huckleberry bushes. They make a good snack on your way up a trail.

3. Cadillac Mountain

We drove to this one on our last day to watch the sunrise - in fact it's the first place you can watch the sunrise on the east coast!

4. Otter Cliffs

Really cool rock formations that are worth a look

5 Thunder Hole

Another rock formation off the coast that funnels in water and makes a thunder noise

6. Tidepooling

Maine was a great spot for tide pooling and finding little sea creatures - like starfish!


Also duh. You're in Maine!

8. Bass Harbor Lighthouse at sunset

This light house was beautiful at all times of day but extra pretty at sunset

9. Beehive hike

Hikes on hikes on hikes

10. Rock climb

Its only natural that at a mountainous national park, there would be opportunity to rock climb. We went with Acadia Mountain Guides and had a half day rock climbing by the Precipice trail. So much fun!

11. Bubble Rock

This is a neat bubble/round boulder that is hanging out onto of a hike

12. Precipice trail hike

This was a tricky hike that involved metal rails and rods and a lot of 4 limb use to make it to the top but it was a really fun challenge!

13. Smores


14. Jordan Pond - and Jordan Pond tea & popovers

This was one of our favorite spots. This "pond" (actually a lake) is so SO clear and absolutely beautiful

15. Blueberry pie

Those Maine blueberries make for quite the pie

16. Eagle Lake

Another beautiful trail

17. Schoonic Peninsula day trip

This was neat little venture to a much more quiet side of Acadia but it involved a ferry ride so it was an all day ordeal.

18. Hammock on a mountain peak

Hammocks everywhere! With all that hiking you better be bringing a hammock!

There you go! Now you REALLY don't have an excuse to be bored in Maine! Let me know in the comments below if you have crossed any of these off your list or if you have any to add!